Jitta on the track biography channel

Jitta on the track wiki

Check out JITTA ON THE TRACK's full profile, including bio, radio date posts, and recent airplay awards.

jitta on the track biography channel

Jitta on the track biography channel

Staying true to his roots, Jitt became Jitta and he can be heard On The Track.

Jitta on the track biography channel 7

39K Followers, 7, Following, Posts - FAJITTA (@JittaOnTheTrack) on Instagram: "The inventor of JIVE RAP 1/2 of @yellowtrashcan_:@jittneyspears FLORDIA BOI 囹 ".

Jitta on the track biography channel 6
Jitta On The Track @ Mark The 45 King's House/Studio and recording his new single "Life Is Good" (Prod.